- 《契約書》他の企業{きぎょう}と許諾製品{きょだく せいひん}の製造{せいぞう}を目的{もくてき}としたライセンス契約{けいやく}を締結{ていけつ}しないことに同意{どうい}する
agree not to enter into a license agreement with other firms for the purpose of manufacture of the licensed products 意味
- "agree in principle" 意味
- "agree in principle to form a merger" 意味
- "agree in substance" 意味
- "agree in the sum of" 意味
- "agree like cats and dogs" 意味
- "agree on" 意味
- "agree on a basic outline that" 意味
- "agree on a ceasefire at the mediation of" 意味
- "agree on a compromise" 意味
- "agree in the sum of" 意味
- "agree like cats and dogs" 意味
- "agree on" 意味
- "agree on a basic outline that" 意味